Optometry program

Residency in the Community Health Optometry program approved for reaccreditation

photo optometry 2021The Residency in the Community Health Optometry program at Providence Community Health Centers has been approved for reaccreditation for eight years. Our program is affiliated with the New England Col­lege of Optometry.

The Accreditation Council on Optometric Education conducted a virtual evaluation visit (due to COVID-19) on March 26, 2021. The evaluation is a comprehensive one, with reviews of the program’s mission, goals, ob­jectives, policies, curriculum, administration, faculty, resources, and facilities.

The classification indicates that the program has no deficiencies or weaknesses that compromise the ed­ucational effectiveness of the total program. PCHC is home to the only health center-based optometry residency program in Rhode Island. Congratulations to David Mills, OD, program director, and the entire optometry team for a successful accreditation. Dr. Mills is pictured here with Megan Lusignan, OD, (center) and optometry resident Jennifer Kim Hsiao-Fang-Yen, OD.

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